Water Scarcity Drives RO Recovery Innovations | WWD Weekly Digest

July 25, 2022
Mark Donovan, GHD North American water treatment and desalination lead, also talks about desalination technology advancements.

Water scarcity in the U.S. West is driving innovations for water technologies for increased recovery, reduced costs and better overall efficiency. For example, Mark Donovan, GHD North American water innovation and desalination lead, explains how a Santa Monica, California, facility has reached 90% recovery with flow reversal reverse osmosis. Donovan also talks about the importance of one water and integrated water management to address water scarcity concerns.

Additional Resources


  • Current status of water resources in the U.S. West | 0:26
  • Integrated water management as a scarcity solution | 0:53
  • Current innovative seawater desalination projects in the U.S. | 1:41
  • Technology evolutions for desalination | 2:06
  • Changes in desalination plant configurations | 3:24
  • Outro | 4:00

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