
2004 AWWA to Highlight Hottest Developments in Water Industry

Water industry's best new innovations on display in 'New Product Technology Showcase'
March 26, 2004
2 min read

The cutting-edge technologies, services, products and ideas that are poised to dramatically impact the water industry will be displayed side-by-side at the New Product Technology Showcase, a new attraction at the American Water Works Association (AWWA) Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE), June 13-17, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando.

"Water professionals count on ACE to inform them and help them make the best purchasing decisions for their local circumstances," said AWWA Executive Director Jack Hoffbuhr. "The New Product Technology Showcase gives ACE participants a focused venue to experience the best new ideas and products. Who knows? The next great innovation in water quality may be on display this year. It's a very exciting feature for the show."

The premier event for total water quality, ACE 2004 is expected to draw more than 14,000 water professionals and 500 exhibitors. With a theme of "One World One Water," ACE will feature more than 70 technical sessions and 13 pre-conference workshops focusing on pressing issues such as infrastructure management, security, source water protection, emerging technology, and legislative and regulatory issues.

The featured technology and services in the New Product Technology Showcase are being selected by a six-person committee from the AWWA Manufacturers/Associates Council. Criteria used in the selection process will be impact on or enhancement of the industry, market readiness, NSF International or Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., approval, and AWWA membership.

Source: AWWA

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