Funding approved for Kansas wastewater project
Johnson County, Kansas, officials announced on October 31, 2024, that additional funding has been secured for a wastewater treatment facility upgrade.
The Johnson County Board of Commissioners meeting on October 31, 2024, authorized another $30.1 million in funding to go to the State Line Road Pump Stations and Forcemain project.
A total of $40.8 million has been approved for the project.
The purpose of the project is to capture flows from the Leawood Service Area that currently drains across the state line into the Kansas City, Missouri (KCMO) collection system and send that flow to Johnson County Wastewater’s (JCWs) newly completed Tomahawk Wastewater Treatment Facility.
JCW evaluated the business case for this project and determined that the project will save JCW over $100 million over 20 years, compared to the cost of continued treatment of all flows by KCMO.
According to a press release, the project will pay for itself in approximately 6 to 7 years.
Bidding of projects has been completed and contracts are currently being awarded and construction schedules are being finalized.
The project includes two pump stations and a proposed force main that runs along State Line Road.
Construction is expected to start in Fall/Winter 2024.
Along with the funding, the board of commissioners approved a contract for the pump stations project with BRB Contractors, Inc., for $10,839,000 and a contract for the force main project with Rodriguez Mechanical Contractors, Inc., for $12,455,101.16.