NSF Conference Addresses Public Water System Compliance Using POU/POE
This article is intended to provide opinions and a broad conference overview. The opinions of the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the magazine.
In February, NSF International arranged for many experts to cover the issues and facets of point-of-use and point-of-entry (POU/POE), how they can be used for PWS compliance and other opportunities for the manufacturers and users. Federal and state regulators provided pros and cons. Regulators have a major role if they can demonstrate their willingness to drive POU/POE forward. The importance of product certifications to facilitate customer acceptance and credibility was well covered. Small and large utility speakers presented their experiences. Case studies sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AWWARF) were presented. Vendor and consultant presentations and attendees provided excellent professional awareness. Carrying this awareness to the public remains the next challenge.
Pros and Cons
Historical and current POU/POE developments were summarized. It was pointed out that similar case studies on the applicability of in-home water treatment technologies for meeting federal water standards were conducted in the early 1990s and these earlier benefits of POU/POE did not significantly advance the marketplace. Several speakers named the new maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic in drinking water as the driver to increase the public use of POU/POE technologies. The EPA has mandated utility compliance with the new arsenic 10 ppb MCL by January 2006, if the agency doesn't grant extensions to the rule. Historically, right or wrong, utilities have been granted extensions for compliance. Some POU/POE industry leaders believe their equipment can help utilities, large and small, meet this stricter requirement as well as others such as the new radium rule. Granted, there are hurdles including the assurance that these units can be properly maintained in the home.
Thinking Outside the Box
Several state regulators, speakers and attendees at the conference expressed a change of mind from earlier positions. Previously. many people were not in favor of POU/POE treatment technologies. Today, though, the momentum appears to be moving toward an increased use of POU/POE technologies. Major reasons for this change of heart are due to the economic reality of small water suppliers, improvements in POU/POE devices and customer acceptance. Many spoke of utilities service changes and paying more attention to the customer as part of the trend.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) with about 670,000 water hook-ups, is surveying and advising its customers about use of POU/POE equipment. A prior LADWP survey revealed that about 70 percent of the utility's customers use some drinking water enhancement inside their home (roughly 35 percent POU and 35 percent bottled water). LADWP plans future customer surveys and educational programs. Education is a slow process, but as more utilities of all sizes think outside of the box, they will have tangible benefits. Utility customers are getting smarter about drinking water quality and health effects. Utilities may need to think about risk assessment from lawsuits and liability reduction through new services and improved water quality.
Activated Carbon Role
Many of the speakers pointed out that "customer acceptance" of the POU/POE contaminants removal technologies was most important. Improving customers' drinking water taste and odor was the most powerful way to get customers to use POU/POE technologies. Activated carbon adsorption has long been recognized as the best available technology to improve tap water aesthetics cost effectively. Thus, it is logical that POU/POE vendors are using carbon in their devices.
The NSF conference had two approved vendors that demonstrated the use of reverse osmosis (RO) and distillation technologies. Both vendors had carbon in their units. Carbon benefits for removal of volatile organic compounds and protection against membrane fouling as well as a final water polishing step was cited by these vendors. Both were enthusiastic about their technologies and indicated significant price reductions were possible ... if the number of units sold increased. A market research report by Baytel Associates also has come to a similar conclusion. (See Market Study Report sidebar.)
Future Opportunities
The POU/POE industry needs to be patient and not expect unbelievable growth. Growth will come, but the industry will need to work smarter to develop these future opportunities at utilities and in homes.
Large retailers selling home units presently are weak on service and education. Many of these retailers provide in-store "how to fix" free workshops. POU/POE manufacturers need to work with these retailers to assure the correct messages are getting to the customers. Many customers think filters last forever or revert back to not filtering their drinking water. POU/POE suppliers also need to "think outside the box" to grow their business. One filter medium or water treatment technology does not solve all water quality problems.
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