The Water Environment Research Foundation is issuing 12 requests for proposals (RFPs) totaling more than $2 million in funding for water quality research. Adding to the four RFPs issued earlier this year, these 12 projects bring WERF's total value of new and expanded research to nearly $4 million for 2004.
More importantly, this research will target diverse research areas certain to impact a broad range of stakeholders. Projects for which WERF has issued an RFP range from Prevention and Minimization of Odors and Related Corrosion in Collection Systems (RFP no. 04-CTS-1) to Factors for Success in Developing Use Attainability Analyses (RFP no. 04-WEM-1).
WERF research is awarded through a competitive process and coordinated under contract through a staff-assigned project manager. WERF encourages submission of proposals from all qualified entities, including consulting firms, wastewater utilities, industrial firms, wastewater equipment manufacturers, universities, and nonprofit organizations performing research in the water quality field.
The Water Environment Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, addresses water quality issues with a commitment to environmental protection, economic conservancy, and enhanced quality of life. WERF subscribers consist of wastewater utilities representing more than 70 percent of the U.S. sewered population and corporations sharing concerns for water quality issues.
Source: WERF