Are You Sold Enough to Sell?

March 26, 2002

Many of us are looking for that new gadget or gimmick that will make sales happen. Maybe it’s a laptop, maybe it’s a video notebook. The truth is that enthusiasm is what you need to sell but some of us are sorely lacking in this precious commodity ... and it’s no wonder.

The average salesperson sells one out of three families they show equipment to. That means 66 percent of all the people we talk to reject us, and that’s a lot of rejection. No wonder we sometimes get down on the product. Add to that the constant stream of negativity we sometimes receive from family, co-workers and the news, it’s no wonder a salesperson’s enthusiasm may decrease.

Here are a few interesting questions to see if you are sold enough to sell. (Answer yes or no to each question.)

               In the last three days, have you drunk nothing but beverages made with reverse osmosis (RO)  water?

               Do you have an RO unit, softener and whole house carbon filter in your home?

               Can you list 10 reasons why your company is the best to buy from?

               Do you feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t own your equipment?

               Can you list five reasons why you are the best person to buy from?

               Would you go thirsty before you would drink from the tap?

               Do you get 30 percent or more of your business from referrals?

               Are you proud to tell people what you do for a living?

               Do you test the water at every home you visit for business or pleasure?

               Have you read one article this week on water and why it should be improved?

If you honestly can answer “yes” to those questions, you are on the right track. (See “Scoring” to check answers.) However, many of us get our enthusiasm worn down over time, and it shows in our sales and referrals. Remember that the sale simply is a transferal of enthusiasm. If you don’t have any, you can’t transfer any. How can you stay up and enthusiastic enough to sell?

Feed Your Brain

Every day, read something about water and why your prospects need your equipment, your company and you.

Each rejection from customers wears down your beliefs, so rebuild them daily by researching the reasons why you can help your customers. Recently, I keyed “chlorine and cancer” into my browser and I pulled up 42,900 articles on the subject. That’s enough to read one per day for 117 years. Recharge your brain each day and watch your enthusiasm grow.

Feed Your Heart

Ask each client for reference letters telling you how much they loved the equipment, how professional the installation was and how much money they are saving. Read these letters each day to recharge your heart and let yourself know you are not being a pain-in-the-neck when you offer a water test or ask for a referral. The great closers know that believing in your product and yourself is what allows you to hang on when the customer says, “no.”

20-Minute Work Out

One of the greatest salespeople I ever worked with showed me the secret he used to recharge his batteries, and I earned far more when I started using it. I call it the 20-minute work out. Each day, take 20 minutes to sell yourself or why your company, products and yourself are the very best and are a great benefit to your customers. Some salespeople put the points they want to tell themselves on an audio tape and play it in the car on their way to work each day. Others write it on the bathroom mirror to read as they shave or put on make up each day. Others get up a few minutes early and spend a few quiet moments just reviewing the reasons why people will be making the right decision by purchasing with them. Investing 20 minutes in building your enthusiasm is the best investment you can make in a successful day of selling.

Get Rid of Mavens

We are all exposed to mavens—people who are negative by nature. It could be other salespeople, service people, your family or even the morning newscaster. Stay away from the negative attitudes. You have one of the toughest jobs on earth that requires all of your attention in order to be successful. You must be able to channel a mighty beam of powerful positive thoughts and emotions when the customer is saying, “no.” Any negative influences reduce your ability to sell.

Make a Plan and Work It

Make a written plan each day for how many people you intend to contact by phone, by letter and in person, and stick to it. Those of us who drift and wait for opportunity will never be as successful as those who go out and find opportunity where it waits for us.

Try some of these enthusiasm-building exercises and I know you will notice the difference it makes to your sales. Remember that when you decide not to make that prospecting call or not to ask for a referral or not to try one more time for the close, you have allowed your customer’s or your negativity to beat down your enthusiasm. In sales, you can’t have too much enthusiasm and too many positive beliefs. They don’t just happen. Great athletes pump iron each day to prepare for their performance. Great salespeople pump gold by pumping enthusiasm for each demonstration.  

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About the Author

Carl Davidson

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