AITscan Div. of Stockton Infrared Thermographic

Randleman, US 27317


About AITscan Div. of Stockton Infrared Thermographic


Randleman, US 27317

More Info on AITscan Div. of Stockton Infrared Thermographic

AITscan™ thermographers survey flat roofs to find moisture, discover pollution sources in creeks, lakes, and streams, find steam leaks and hot water leak in district heat systems, perform animal census work like deer counts, fly high voltage power lines and perform many other specialized services. AITscan™ is a division of Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc. (SITS), the infrared service industry’s innovator of infrared applications, provides state-of-the-art infrared inspection & testing services to fortune-500 companies and government agencies in Canada, nationwide in the United States, and in South and Central America.