Kruger Wins Treatment Plant Expansion Contract in Lucas, Texas
Kruger Inc., a Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies company, was awarded a contract for a large regional wastewater treatment plant in Lucas, Texas, for an expansion project to furnish a 32-million-gal-per-day, single train BioActiflo system. The BioActiflo system will be the first of its kind not only in the United States, but also in the world. This installation consists of the Actiflo clarification process coupled with rapid soluble biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) uptake achieved when return activated sludge is combined with raw wastewater under aerobic conditions.
This BioActiflo system will operate in two different modes. The Actiflo portion will be used for phosphorus removal during dry weather flows, and during wet weather events the system will operate in BioActiflo mode to remove total suspended solids (TSS) and BOD. The plant’s BioActiflo process is designed to achieve a total phosphorus limit of 0.1 milligram per liter during dry weather operations and less than 30 milligrams per liter for both TSS and CBOD5 during wet weather events.
The new process is expected to be operational in the spring of 2012.
Source: Kruger Inc.