
CST Industries Introduces Water Treatment System

New AQUUS PW uses slow sand filtration method
Oct. 11, 2010
2 min read

CST Industries Inc., a designer, manufacturer and installer of storage tanks and covers, has introduced AQUUS PW, a modular water treatment system that produces potable water using no moving parts, energy or harmful chemicals.

AQUUS PW utilizes slow sand filtration to produce potable water for use in rural or remote locations, developing areas and locations with limited power. According to CST Industries, a proprietary AQUUS prefilter can improve the performance of the slow sand filtration system. The AQUUS PW system provides a cost-effective, efficient small- to medium-sized water treatment option for potable water. The system removes up to 99.99% of bacteria, viruses, Giardia and Cryptosporidium.

“The key advantage to AQUUS PW is a proprietary prefilter, which significantly improves the performance of a traditional slow sand filtration system,” said Tony Thill, vice president of business development. “The introduction of AQUUS PW allows CST to provide an economical, simple and eco-friendly potable water treatment option to our customers for municipal and industrial applications throughout the world.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called slow sand filtration the cheapest, simplest and most efficient method of water treatment. It is approved worldwide for surface water treatment by USEPA, WHO, OXFAM and others. AQUUS PW’s singular modular unit incorporates settlement, straining, filtration, organism removal, organism inactivation, chemical change and some storage capacity. It prepares water for subsequent chlorination (if necessary) with maximum efficiency.

The AQUUS PW system includes a proprietary Columbian TecTank epoxy-coated modular tank, which provides low up-front capital costs and lasts 3 to 4 times longer than a typical painted steel tank. No pumps or motors are required, as the system uses a gravity flow process. The modular design allows for simple and fast onsite construction.

Source: CST Industries Inc.

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