Neptune Technology Group Celebrates Grand Opening of Donald J. Kullmann Engineering Center
On March 24, 2009, Neptune broke ground, and a little more than a year later, it celebrated the Grand Opening of the $3.7 million, 19,000-sq-ft Donald J. Kullmann Engineering Center.
With its glass and steel structure, the building was designed with high ceilings above individual offices, promoting a creative, open atmosphere, the company said.
The primary goals for this facility included:
• To leverage technological capabilities to better serve utility customers, with radio frequency design, metering design, meter reading systems and utility management software for water, gas and electric utilities;
• To promote project team collaboration;
• To provide an attractive and efficient work environment for employees that supports open communication and team collaboration; and
• To support environmental sustainability with a facility that uses efficient design and resource conserving technologies.
The Kullmann Engineering Center is the latest addition to Neptune’s headquarters in Tallassee, Ala.
The Donald J. Kullmann Engineering Center is named for long-time employee and engineering vice president, Donald J. Kullmann. Kullmann was hired by Neptune on March 13, 1972, to lead engineering development when Neptune relocated its manufacturing facility from Long Island, N.Y., to Tallassee, Ala.
“Don’s designs and many patents are present in millions of water meters throughout North America that continue to operate and generate revenue for thousands of water utilities,” said Chuck DiLaura, president of Neptune Technology Group, Inc.
Source: Neptune Technology Group