Bottled Water Industry Provides Assistance to Haitian Earthquake Relief Efforts

Jan. 20, 2010
IBWA president releases statement

“The International Bottled Water Assn. (IBWA) and the bottled water industry have been working to provide bottled water to the victims of the earthquake in Haiti,” said IBWA president Joseph K. Doss. “Since we first learned the news of this disaster, IBWA and the bottled water industry have produced, coordinated and distributed critical bottled water supplies through relief agencies and organizations such as Clean the World, Convoy of Hope, American Red Cross and AmeriCares and other state and local charities.

“A key facet of IBWA involvement has been to provide bottled water companies with specific information regarding staging areas where bottled water shipments may be dropped, as well as other contact information for relief organizations that are seeking bottled water and other contributions.

“The bottled water industry has always been at the forefront of relief efforts during natural disasters and other catastrophic events. Throughout the years, bottled water companies have immediately responded to the need for clean water after natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, the earthquakes and wildfires in the West, or the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. More recently, our companies provided bottled water to those in need in the aftermath of the 2009 spring flooding in the Midwest.”

Source: IBWA

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