Pennsylania Governor Announces $79 Million Investment in Water Infrastructure Projects
Source Pennsylvania Office of the Governor
Pennsylvania Gov. Edward G. Rendell announced the investment of $79 million in 16 drinking water and wastewater projects in 15 counties.
"The grants and low interest loans approved by the PENNVEST board today continues our commitment to improve our water infrastructure, improve our environment and help protect our citizens from water-related health concerns," Rendell said. "Even as we face difficult economic challenges, we are still able to make these investments to improve residents' lives, build a solid and lasting legacy for our children and create jobs."
Of the $79 million total, $67 million is for low interest loans and $12 million is offered as grants.
The awards range from an $890,000 loan to increase the capacity of a pump station to eliminate discharges of untreated waste into the Ohio River from a wastewater treatment plant in Allegheny County, to a $20 million loan to upgrade and expand a wastewater treatment plant in Blair County to eliminate overloading of the facility during wet weather, and also to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous discharges to the Chesapeake Bay.
Funds for the projects are disbursed after bills for work are paid and receipts are submitted to PENNVEST.
Source: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor