Pennsylvania Governor Edward G. Rendell recently announced the investment of $355 million in 111 green infrastructure, drinking water and wastewater projects in 47 counties.
“The grants and low-interest loans provided today by the PENNVEST Board of Directors continues the commonwealth’s commitment to strengthen our economy while also making wise investments in our water resources,” Rendell said. “These projects will put people to work to meet many environmental and public health challenges in scores of communities across the state.
Most of the funding, $248 million, is for low-interest loans, and $107 million in grants represents PENNVEST’s second allocation from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
The awards range from a $5,945 grant to reduce storm water runoff in a Susquehanna County community by planting 20 trees along two streets in the downtown area, to a $30.7-million loan to expand the capacity of an existing wastewater treatment plant in Lackawanna County to eliminate or reduce nitrogen and phosphorous discharges into nearby streams, in compliance with the Chesapeake Bay agreement.
Funds for the projects are disbursed after bills for work are paid and receipts are submitted to PENNVEST.