MIOX Corp. has announced the company’s small, medium and large mixed-oxidant generators received certification from the Japan Water Works Association (JWWA) through a partnership with Sojitz Corp., one of the largest trading companies in Japan. The MIOX systems are the first on-site generators certified by JWWA.
The MIOX systems were evaluated using Material Leaching and Chemicals Additive tests. Examination of the results determined each of the systems met the JWWA technical standard, manufacturing and quality standard, as well as the certification guidelines outlined in JWWA’s “On-Site Chemicals Generator Certification Manual.”
MIOX on-site generators are used to treat water supplies and well sites where biofilm, chlorine residual maintenance, disinfection byproduct formation or taste and odor have become issues. They are sized based on requirements for pounds per day of free available chlorine.
“We are very pleased our product performance exceeds the high standards set by the Japan Water Works Association,” said Carlos Perea, president and CEO of MIOX. “This is an important market for MIOX and we look forward to our partnership with Sojitz Corp. to introduce safe water treatment and disinfection technologies to Japan.”
Source: MIOX Corporation