As the world grapples with limited natural resources and a changing climate, CH2M HILL has partnered with World Business Council for Sustainable Development to help businesses and governments address the risks around scarce water supplies.
CH2M HILL has announced that the latest version of the Global Water Tool – an online resource to help companies calculate water footprints, determine efficiencies and minimize external risks – is now available.
The Global Water Tool was created by CH2M HILL and an advisory board of 22 members of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, a Geneva-based organization of 200 global companies representing 30 countries and 20 industrial sectors. Driving the development at CH2M HILL were Jan Dell, vice president; Partha Bora, project manager; and Dan Huber, information solutions.
The Global Water Tool was launched in August 2007 and has now been updated with the latest water datasets. Since its launch, the tool has been employed by more than 200 companies and has become the global standard for measuring internal water use and identifying external risks.
The latest version of the Global Water Tool was unveiled at the World Water Forum in Istanbul, Turkey.
“Business leaders and policy makers recognize that the intersection of water, energy and climate change will have significant impacts on global businesses and communities,” said Jan Dell, Energy and Chemicals vice president.
“The Global Water Tool is an example of how CH2M HILL is helping businesses adapt to the changing climate and use resources in the most effective and sustainable way,” Dell added. “The widespread uptake by global companies has proven that there are real business drivers now for action.”
Source: CH2M HILL