The Water Research Foundation has launched a beta version of its website dedicated to providing scientific information and practical advice about climate change’s impact on water.
The site,, will be a “one-stop shop” for water utilities and the public seeking information about this rapidly changing topic. The site is part of the Foundation’s sustained, multi-year effort to evaluate the impact of climate change on water and help solve the challenges it poses to our nation’s water suppliers.
“Our climate change clearinghouse provides a much needed service: it distills scientifically credible, available knowledge and offers an in-depth view of the topic. It also provides practical, hands-on guidance for water utilities,” said Robert C. Renner, the Foundation’s executive director. “In the long run, we hope users will visit the site not only to get the latest information and tools, but also to share insights, experiences and lessons-learned relating to the management of climate change.”
The climate change clearinghouse provides an overview of existing knowledge about climate change, including fundamentals of climate change science, and effects of climate change on the water cycle. Users can find case studies about how leading water utilities have incorporated climate change into their strategic planning. The site also includes links to relevant information and activities of other organizations and federal agencies.
The Foundation will continue to add information to ensure that the site is relevant and current. In the long run, the site will be a hub of social networking tools to help users share information as the state of climate science evolves.
Source: Water Research Foundation