Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration Implements New Cadastral System
The Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (ISKI), which provides potable water to a city with a population of more than 11 million, won a 2008 Be Award of Excellence in the Innovation in Cadastre and Land Development category for its Asset Management Information System (ISEMBIS).
With the help of Bentley Systems software, ISKI was able to develop a cadastral system that delivers up-to-date real estate data for all the land parcels it serves or owns. ISEMBIS streamlines the retrieval of land registry data, turning what had been a time-consuming, labor-intensive process into a highly efficient, automated system. Since both the CAD and GIS technology needed to reside on the same platform, the ISKI team selected MicroStation-based Bentley Map to provide this functionality.
Today the new system houses thousands of photogrammetric images, cadastral maps and digitized data from legacy paper files. Moreover, ISKI used the Geospatial Administrator capability in Bentley Map with its XML Feature Modeling (XFM) technology to standardize the annotation and symbolization of objects across the enterprise.
ISKI personnel, along with staff members of other city departments who regularly access ISKI land parcel information, are all benefiting from the new system’s improved efficiency. The time required to process and fulfill requests for land registry information has dropped from eight hours to as little as 30 minutes. This has led to substantial improvements in efficiency in handling the more than 2,000 land registry requests received each year.
Commenting on the project, Mehmet Zeki Imamoglu, manager of the ISEMBIS project, said, “Implementing our new cadastral system was necessary to facilitate access to all land registry property and graphics through an easy-to-use interface. Our ISEMBIS project makes obtaining quick and accurate information about our land assets easier for our 650 technicians and engineers. We are extremely excited to be a part of the first XFM technology-driven project in Turkey, and our use of Bentley software was the key to its success.”
Source: Bentley Systems, Inc.