Mueller Systems and Hersey Meters Introduce AMI Tool
Mueller Systems and Hersey Meters have released a new information tool, Mi.Net, which will enable water, electric and gas utilities to improve operational efficiencies and customer service levels.
The Mi.Net AMI system, which is being developed by Mueller Systems and will be marketed by Hersey Meters, uses a wireless fixed network and two-way mesh configuration to provide utilities with a broad range of information that can translate into automated and actionable responses and improve service levels.
The Mi.Net system will allow utilities to monitor and measure conservation, leak detection and reverse flow conditions. Its Web-based software platform also features power outage detection and restoration with automatic notification, along with load profiling, demand, time of use, tamper detection and notifications. Utilities will be able to provide homeowners with secure customer access to their specific water and energy consumption in an easy-to-understand Web application. The Mi.Net software platform will have the flexibility to be located on the utilities’ servers or with Hersey Meter’s Mi.Net hosted services.
“The ability of a utility to meet customer demands and maintain service levels as technology changes is a direct measure of how accurately and timely they are able to read meters,” said Matt Thomas, vice president marketing services for Hersey Meters. “The robustness of the Mi.Net system gives utilities this ability and allows them to use leading-edge technology without replacing their investment in AMR equipment. They can migrate from AMR to AMI technology as their business needs evolve.”
Mesh networks are noted for their ability to self-manage the transfer of data around any unit that may be maliciously or inadvertently interrupted.
Source: Hersey Meters