Dow FILMTEC RO Membranes Installed in Netherlands Treatment Facility
Dow’s fouling-resistant FILMTEC Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane technology was successfully enabled to modify the feedwater source of the DECO water treatment facility in Terneuzen, The Netherlands, with minimal changes to the plant design. DECO is operated by Evides Industriewater B.V. and provides Dow’s Terneuzen site with process water.
Initially, the DECO water plant’s feedwater source was river estuary water. After the re-engineering, the plant was supplied with the effluent of Terneuzen’s municipal wastewater treatment facility. Although the organic fouling potential of the feedwater significantly increased, the retrofit was achieved through the replacement of the existing membrane modules with Dow’s latest high-performance fouling-resistant brackish water membranes. Additionally, the feed pumps were changed and slight modifications were done for piping.
The benefit of this retrofit is double: water recovery increased by 20% while the operational costs diminished by 50%, due to the lower feed pressure requirement. In addition, the city’s waste water is no longer discharged to the sea, but given another life as process water.
“Since the start-up in March 2007, these very robust membranes have shown that they can virtually withstand the necessary harsh and frequent cleanings without compromising a stable performance at a very high level,” said Kevin Reyntjens, European technical service and development leader for Dow Water Solutions.
“With enabling the reuse of municipal waste water streams, Dow Water Solutions membranes helped preserve natural resources and saved water and energy, making Dow’s businesses more sustainable and committed to communities and the environment,” said Fabien Creus, global water reuse market development manager for Dow Water Solutions.
Source: Dow Water Solutions