BioteQ Environmental Technologies, Inc., a leader in the treatment of metal and sulphate contaminated water, has been named the recipient of the 2009 Environmental and Social Responsibility Award by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC).
Selection criteria for this award include outstanding leadership in the protection of the natural environment and/or in the establishment of good community relations during exploration or mining. BioteQ Environmental Technologies was named the winner of this award for developing water treatment systems that reduce the environmental liability associated with mine wastewater. BioteQ’s technology treats industrial wastewater such as acid mine drainage and other metal-laden wastewater by sequentially removing dissolved metals and sulphate, producing saleable metal products and clean water that can be discharged safely to the environment.
The award will be presented at a gala ceremony, sponsored by Barrick Gold Corp., during the PDAC’s 2009 International Convention, Tradeshow and Investors Exchange to be held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre from March 1 to 4.
Other awards that BioteQ has received over the last year include:
· Globe Foundation / Globe and Mail: Environmental Excellence;
· China Mining: Environmental Protection;
· Mines and Money: Sustainable Development;
· Business in Vancouver: BC’s 100 Fastest Growing Companies;
· Vancouver Sun: Fastest Growing Companies; and
· Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters: New Exporter.
“This award underscores the increasing importance of environmental sustainability to the mining and mineral processing industry,” said Brad Marchant, CEO, BioteQ Environmental Technologies. “We have built eight water treatment plants around the world, including new plants commissioned during 2008 in Australia, China, Mexico, and the US, with additional projects in development in Chile, China, Canada and the U.S. It is always a welcome surprise to receive an award and have our staff recognized for the work they are doing to reduce the environmental liability associated with industrial wastewater.”
Source: BioteQ Environmental Technologies, Inc.