Registration Open for 2009 Asia Pacific Water and Sewer Systems Modeling Seminar
MWH Soft and Gold Coast Water Australia recently announced registration for the second annual Asia-Pacific Water and Sewer Systems Modeling Seminar. The event will be held April 27 to 28, 2009, at Q1, the world’s tallest residential tower, on Australia’s Gold Coast.
This once-a-year learning opportunity for the Asia-Pacific expert modeling community will feature unique technical presentations showcasing projects from throughout the region and keynote addresses from industry leaders. This year’s seminar is sponsored by Watercare Services Ltd., New Zealand and Cairns Regional Council, Gold Coast Water, GWMWater, Hobart Water, Moreton Bay Water and Tweed Shire Council, Australia.
The Asia-Pacific seminar also incorporates an annual gathering of MWH Soft software users and their managers who want to sharpen their skills, expand their knowledge and share best practices with their peers. The ultimate goals are to design, operate and manage better systems, protect the environment and safeguard public health.
The interactive forum will provide useful industry insights and an opportunity to exchange cutting-edge information, proven strategies, cost-effective solutions and best practices. The event will also feature important technology updates from developers.
The forum will allow water, wastewater and storm water professionals to explore new ways of using engineering GIS technology and advanced network modeling, detailed pipeline design and information management applications. They will learn how they can leverage these tools to do their jobs better, easier, faster and more efficiently; maximize their return on software investments; and make their organizations more globally competitive. Participants will also earn valuable Chartered Professional’s Continued Professional Development (CPD) hours.
Keynote speaker Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D, president and COO of MWH Soft, will address the latest technologies in water, storm water and wastewater network modeling, automated detailed pipeline design and asset management. There will be demonstrations of the latest releases of MWH Soft’s industry-leading water and urban drainage design and modeling software, along with condition and risk assessment solutions for investment planning. A highlight will be the company’s new automated detailed (horizontal and vertical alignment) pipeline design application, which includes complete profile and plan drawings generation.
For more information and to register, visit
Source: MWH Soft