PCDworks has partnered with Sam Houston State University (SHSU) to help develop a new self-sustaining, portable “smart” wastewater treatment system for use by the U.S. military, the Palestine Herald reported.
The portable system, the deployable aqueous aerobic biodigestor (DAAB), uses bacteria to destroy harmful contaminants and renders the water clean enough to be released into the environment within 24 to 48 hours.
“It works really well,” said Talbot Presley, PCDworks director of projects. “The water that comes out is almost drinkable.”
The DAAB system consists of four tanks, three pumps and valves and sensors housed inside a standard 8-by-40-ft shipping container. Contaminated water is pumped into a preliminary sedimentation tank where large sludge is removed before being pumped to the first biological reaction tank, where bacterial colonies consume organic material in the water.
A second biological reaction tank serves as a “catch all” for remaining organic material. The water then passes into the secondary sedimentation tank to remove any remaining inorganic material before being pumped back into the environment.
The system is capable of treating wastewater for up to 600 people a day, approximately a battalion of soldiers, and can work independently for up six months.
“Wastewater cleanup is a significant issue around the world and this is an important development,” PCDworks vice president Mike Rainone said in a press release. “Imagine the possibilities for a wastewater treatment system that is portable enough to be brought to just about any site, can be fully functional within a matter of hours and can operate independently for up to six months at a time.”
Source: Palestine Herald