
WERF Announces $500,000 for Water Quality Research

Proposals should advance the understanding of water quality factors and improve the performance of wastewater and storm water programs
July 28, 2008

The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) is seeking pre-proposals for its Unsolicited Research Program. The research should advance understanding of factors that affect water quality and improve the performance of wastewater or storm water programs. WERF will also consider proposals that take existing research to the next level of completion.

“The unsolicited research program is a key component of WERF’s overall research effort,” said Director of Research Dan Woltering. “It is another tangible commitment to advancements in science and technology.”

Proposals for research in any relevant wastewater or storm water area are welcome. WERF’s primary research areas include biosolids, climate change, conveyance systems, decentralized systems, nutrients, operations optimization, pathogens, security and disaster response, storm water, strategic asset management, trace organics, use-attainability analysis, wastewater treatment and water reuse.

WERF has up to $500,000 (in total) for unsolicited research under this call for pre-proposals. The organization will allocate the funds so that proposed research outcomes will benefit WERF subscribers to the maximum extent possible. All pre-proposals are due in WERF’s offices by 5:00 p.m. EDT on July 29.

Source: Water Environment Research Foundation

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