The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will convene a one-day water quality modeling workshop, “Water Quality Modeling to Support Management Actions,” from Sept. 9 to 10, 2008, at the University of Maryland in Baltimore. The meeting is being coordinated with a Water Environment Federation (WEF) Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) conference scheduled for Sept. 11, 2008.
Attendees of the workshop will obtain an understanding of EPA-supported models that can be used to address regulatory and water quality planning objectives. The workshop will focus on tools available to meet multiple objectives like watershed planning, smart growth, trading, TMDL development and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit development. The workshop will identify objectives that can be addressed within EPA’s BASINS environment and provide participants with an opportunity to provide feedback to guide future development of BASINS and other modeling-related tools. BASINS, or “Better Assessment Science Integrating Point & Nonpoint Sources” is a multipurpose environmental analysis system that integrates a geographical information system, national watershed data, and environmental assessment and modeling tools.
More information about the workshop is available at
Source: EPA