The International Conference for Water Efficiency in Urban Areas, taking place in Wurzburg, Germany, Jan. 29 to Jan. 30, 2009, has issued a call for posters.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 13, 2008.
The topics of the conference include:
• Climate Change—Boundary Conditions;
• Planning/Strategy;
• Technical Options;
• Economics/Finance; and
• Implementation of Strategies.
The scientific committee will create the programme in June. We also organize a poster exhibition. Posters are invited on the above topics. Papers will be presented in poster sessions. Each poster presenter will get three minutes to present the highlights of his project the plenum. The best abstracts will get a talk. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings volume.
The abstract, in English, should include: full title; author’s full name, affiliation, address, phone/fax/e-mail; name and affiliation of co-authors; topic; and a brief summary including the purpose, methods, approach, results and conclusions of the presented work.
In addition, authors may add up to one explanatory page to facilitate the reviewer’s assessment.
The scientific committee will evaluate all the submissions. Afterwards you will receive an e-mail with the result. With the acceptance of your abstract you are automatically registered for the conference. It is not possible to cancel once accepted.
Please upload your abstract under
Further information is available at:
The conference is an excellent platform to present your institute or company to an international audience.
Source: OTTI