A meeting of the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) Regulatory Determination and
6-Year Review of Existing Regulations Working Group of the National Drinking
Water Advisory Council established under the Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended
(42 U.S.C. S300f et seq.), will be held on March 1-2, 2000 beginning at 8:30 AM
in the offices of RESOLVE, Suite 275, 1255 23rd Street, NW, Washington, DC
20037. The meeting is open to the public, but due to past experience, seating
will be limited.
purpose of this meeting is for the Working Group to develop and use robust and
transparent protocols that can be used for making regulatory determinations from
the CCL and for the periodic review of existing NPDWRs. The Working Group will
provide specific recommendations for analyzing and presenting the available
scientific data, and also recommend methods to identify and document the
judgments made to arrive at a conclusion and the supporting rationale.
CCL and 6-Year Review Working Group will develop specific protocols for making
regulatory determinations and selecting existing NPDWRs for possible revision.
The Working Group will provide specific recommendations for analyzing and
presenting the available scientific data, and also recommend methods to identify
and document the judgments made to arrive at a conclusion and the supporting
rationale. Due to the statutory deadlines mandated by the SDWA's 1996
amendments, the Working Group will develop a protocol to support CCL regulatory
determinations before beginning work on the protocol(s) for the 6-year review of
existing NPDWRs.
CCL regulatory determinations, the Working Group will develop protocols for both
chemical and microbial contaminants that will be robust enough to apply to
contaminants on the current and future CCLs. As a starting point in developing a
protocol, the Working Group will evaluate the draft framework developed by the
EPA. This framework will be presented to the group at the first meeting.
working group members will be asked draft proposed position papers for
deliberation by the advisory council, and provide advice and recommendations to
the full National Drinking Water Advisory Council. The meeting is open to the
public to observe and statements will be taken from the public as time allows.
more information, contact Corry Westbrook, Designated Federal Officer,
Contaminant Candidate List and Regulatory Determination and 6- Year Review of
Existing Regulations Working Group, U.S. EPA, Office of Ground Water and
Drinking Water (4607), 401 M Street SW, Washington, DC 20460. The telephone
number is 202-260-3228, fax 202-260-3762, and e-mail address [email protected].