
AwwaRF Book on Climate Change Assists Water Suppliers

July 12, 2007
2 min read

Awwa Research Foundation (AwwaRF), a nonprofit water research foundation dedicated to advancing the science of drinking water, has gone into the second printing of Climate Change, a book focusing on climate change and its potential impact on drinking water.

First published in 2006, the book Climate Change and Water Resources: A Primer for Municipal Water Providers summarizes the best available scientific evidence on climate change, including both natural changes and changes that may be caused by human activities. In particular, the book focuses on climate change and the water cycle, especially in relation to the availability and quality of drinking water resources.

“This book is intended to give municipal water providers, as well as others involved in the drinking water community, a realistic grasp of the nature of the risks posed by climate change,” said Robert C. Renner, executive director of AwwaRF. “It can help them plan for the issues that they will confront as they assess and plan for the impacts of climate change.”

The book is based on a two-year study jointly sponsored by AwwaRF and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colo. During the study, the researchers drew from extensive scientific literature for an overview of climate change and its impacts on water resources. A project workshop of representatives from the scientific and water supply communities provided input and guidance on industry concerns, recent climate impacts on urban water providers, and vulnerabilities to prospective climate changes. The study also developed case studies of water utilities in North America and Europe.

Source: AwwaRF

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