
AMRA Endorses NARUC Resolution

April 17, 2007

The Automatic Meter Reading Association (AMRA) has endorsed the far-sighted leadership embodied in a National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) resolution to eliminate regulatory barriers to the broad implementation of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI).

The resolution, passed in February, acknowledged the role of AMI in supporting the implementation of dynamic pricing and the resulting benefits to consumers. The resolution further identified the value of AMI in achieving significant utility operational cost savings in the areas of outage management, revenue protection and asset management.

The resolution also called for AMI business case analyses to identify cost-effective deployment strategies, endorsed timely cost recovery for prudently incurred AMI expenditures and made additional recommendations on rate making and tax treatment of such investments.

“We commend NARUC on its visionary policy statement, and AMRA recommends that state jurisdictions give close consideration of the NARUC resolution in their deliberations under the Energy Policy Act of 2005,” said Bernie Bujnowski, AMRA senior vice president of advocacy.

Source: AMRA

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