
El Paso County Has Best Tasting Water in Colorado

March 1, 2007
2 min read

Forest View Acres Water District in El Paso County, Colo., won first prize in a statewide water taste testing competition run by the Colorado Rural Water Association. The small water district serves 282 homes.

The district will now enter a national competition where it will compete against the best tasting water in the United States.

According to The Gazette, this news is especially good, as the district’s former bookkeeper Patricia Unger recently pleaded guilty to embezzling $300,000 from 1999-2004.

Mike Bacon, treatment facility director for Community Solutions Inc., the company that runs the Forest View water plant, brought a small sample to the Colorado Rural Water Association state conference, per the instructions of the Association. The plant gets its water from Monument Creek, filters out particles and then adds chlorine to disinfect.

The Gazette reports that all of the judges agreed on the winner. This is the third year the competition has run, and about 10 districts applied out of the 600 in the state. In order to enter, the district must have fewer than 10,000 customers to qualify as rural.

The national Great American Water Taste Test starts May 1 in Washington, D.C., and is run by the National Rural Water Association. In 2006, Beaver, Utah, took first place. Previous winners have come from Virginia, Alaska and Kansas.

Source: The Gazette

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