
AWT Fosters Relations with Chinese Water Treatment Specialists

June 30, 2006

The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) met with a delegation of 13 water treatment specialists from China, representing six different organizations. The U.S. Department of Commerce arranged a U.S. tour for this group in an effort to promote U.S. exports to China in the water treatment industry. The Chinese delegation is seeking the services of U.S. companies, especially in the field of waste water and potable water.

The group met with AWT’s president, Jay Farmerie, AWT’s past president, William Pearson and AWT’s executive director, Heidi Zimmerman. “AWT was pleased to meet with representatives from China, one of the largest developing markets in the world. This meeting will provide AWT members with the opportunity to cultivate partnerships with these groups and expand their businesses internationally,” Farmerie said.

AWT will work with the Department of Commerce to provide China with information about AWT member companies that are interested in providing these services to companies in China. “We are looking forward to developing a winning situation for China’s water treatment program and our AWT companies,” Pearson said.

Source: AWT

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