MWH Soft, a leading global provider of environmental and water resources applications software, announced that Padre Dam Municipal Water District (PDMWD), California, has chosen MWH Soft's InfoSWMM Suite software to replace its existing modeling solution. The suite will serve as the foundation for developing a comprehensive ArcGIS-centric (ESRI, Redlands, Calif.) solution for managing the district's wastewater collection system. The selection further substantiates MWH Soft's leadership position in geospatial hydraulic infrastructure management in North America.
PDMWD's decision to standardize on InfoSWMM advanced geocentric technology followed an in-depth technical evaluation of a number of commercially available sewer systems modeling packages by key GIS and engineering staff. InfoSWMM suite was selected because it delivers powerful geocentric modeling functionality, excellent performance and ease of use in an affordable package. The accelerated adoption rate of MWH Soft geospatial technology across the continent reflects a powerful trend among water and wastewater utilities and progressive engineering firms toward MWH Soft products.
PDMWD is a multi-purpose public utility providing water, wastewater, recycled water and recreation services to more than 130,000 residents in the San Diego suburbs of Santee, El Cajon, Lakeside, Flinn Springs, Harbison Canyon, Blossom Valley, Alpine, Dehesa and Crest. The district operates and maintains over 320 miles of potable water mains, 32 miles of recycled water mains, 160 miles of sewer mains, 26 potable water reservoirs, a recycled water reservoir, 16 water pumping stations, a primary wastewater pumping station for the water recycling facility, and three wastewater lift stations within its approximately 85 sq mile service boundary. The district currently uses MWH Soft InfoWater software to model both its potable and recycled water systems.
“We chose InfoSWMM Suite for its powerful hydraulic computational engine, comprehensive modeling, GIS functionality, superior data and scenario management capabilities, ease of use and superb technical support. In addition, this will allow PDMWD to standardize its GIS geodatabases to be compatible with both MWH Soft's InfoWater and InfoSWMM software,” said Al Lau, P.E., engineering manager for PDMWD. “InfoSWMM is also fully compatible with U.S. EPA SWMM5 and runs within our standard ESRI based GIS platform—a winning combination.”
Source: MWH Soft