CONTECH to Relocate Corporate Headquarters
Source CONTECH Construction Products, Inc.
CONTECH Construction Products, Inc. announced a plan to move its corporate headquarters from Middletown, Ohio to the northern Greater Cincinnati area (West Chester). The new headquarters location in Centre Pointe IV in the Union Centre business complex will provide a more convenient locale for employees, customers and business partners.
"Rapid sales growth and business expansion has resulted in the need for more efficient and accessible space for our employees and our business partners," said Pat Harlow, chairman, CEO and president of CONTECH. "We have enjoyed a long, mutually-beneficial history with the City of Middletown through our headquarters location there. But, we have outgrown that facility as a result of tremendous recent growth."
Since 1999, CONTECH has pursued its growth and diversification strategy through a series of acquisitions, primarily in the bridge and stormwater markets Six significant acquisitions in recent years have provided the foundation for continued expansion.
- Keystone Retaining Walls 1999;
- Continental Bridge 2001;
- Steadfast Bridge 2001;
- BEBO Concrete Arch Structures 2003;
- Vortechnics Inc. 2004; and
- Stormwater Management Inc. 2005.
The growth will continue according to Harlow. "We have a short-list of emerging leaders in our growth markets that we're looking at as acquisitions. We've accomplished a great deal in expanding our business over the past five years. And, we are well positioned to continue that in the future."
Source: CONTECH Construction Products, Inc.