The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's Desalination and Water Purification Research and Development Program is soliciting pre-proposals in the following three areas: research and studies, pilot-scale systems and demonstration projects. Approximately $3 million is anticipated to be available for cost sharing in these areas in Fiscal Year 2003, contingent upon Congressional funding. The funding supports projects into ways of reducing the cost of desalting and water purification technologies. The ultimate purpose is to augment water supply in the United States. This work is authorized under the Water Desalination Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-298).
Research and studies focus areas include membrane processes, thermal processes, non-traditional and alternative desalination technologies, ancillary and economic improvements and concentrate issues. Other areas include pilot-scale system investigations and design, construction, and testing plants and modules projects (demonstration).
The official pre-proposal solicitations can be found at Solicitations also may be requested by fax to Randale Jackson at (303) 445-6345. Phone requests will not be accepted. Pre-proposal packages are due to Reclamation by January 15, 2003, and should not exceed 6 pages in length. Reclamation will issue full proposal packages beginning about February 13, 2003. Full proposals can be submitted without a pre-proposal.
Those proposing a project must be willing to cost-share 50% or more of the project, except for academic institutions, which are not required to cost-share. Any source, including individuals, academic institutions, commercial or industrial organizations, private entities, public entities (including state and local) or Indian Tribal Governments, may submit a pre-proposal. Foreign entities, other than United States-Mexico bi-national research foundations and inter-university research programs established by the two countries, are not eligible for funding. Federal agencies also are not eligible to apply.
Research may be conducted at Reclamation research facilities on a cost-reimbursable basis. Facilities include laboratory and pilot-scale equipment located in the Technical Services Center in Denver, Colorado, and advanced test facilities at the Water Quality Improvement Center in Yuma, Arizona.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation