Haestad Methods has announced that Zheng Yi Wu, Ph.D., has joined its Research & Development team. Dr. Wu is well known as a leading expert in genetic algorithms (GAs) for optimization in water resource systems design.
As part of Haestad Methods' R&D team, Wu is developing optimization methods using GAs for water, sewer, and storm water modeling applications. GA optimization is a powerful technique that automates solution search processes by instructing the computer to successively generate and evaluate the best possible solutions.
"I joined Haestad Methods R&D team because they are interested in pursuing techniques that we know will prove extremely valuable to the engineering and scientific community. Specifically, this will involve multi-objective optimizations which, due to their complex nature, have not been mainstreamed in our industry," said Dr. Wu.
Dr. Wu, who has worked both in the field as a project manager and behind the computer as an optimization developer, is designing GA-based tools for automatic calibration; multi-objective design and optimization; rehabilitation; and operations for Haestad Methods products that include WaterCAD, SewerCAD, and StormCAD.
Dr. Wu comes to Haestad Methods from Montgomery Watson and its subsidiary MW Soft, where he worked as a hydroinformatics specialist and also did GA optimization research and development.
Source: Haestad Methods