
Public Forums on BEACH Act Grants Guidance

July 25, 2001
EPA, in conjunction with the Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators (ASIWPCA) and the Coastal States Organization, is sponsoring a series of public forums on the draft National Beach Guidance and Grant Performance Criteria for Recreational Waters document. Under the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act (BEACH Act) of 2000, coastal and Great Lakes states can apply for grants to develop and implement beach water quality monitoring programs, including notification of the public when health hazards exist. To be eligible for BEACH Act implementation grants, state programs must be consistent with the performance criteria outlined in the guidance document. The forums will assist stakeholders in understanding the draft guidance and in preparing public comments to submit to EPA. Forums will be held in Wilmington, Delaware (July 31); San Diego, California (August 3); Jacksonville, Florida (August 21); New Orleans, Louisiana (August 23); and Chicago, Illinois (August 23). For more information on the forums and to register, see www.epa.gov/ost/beaches/meetings/forums.html. The draft guidance will be available in late July.

Source: EPA

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