Larry May, executive vice president of USFilter’s Distribution Group in Thomasville, Ga., was awarded the first Scranton Gillette Communications (SGC)/Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA) Humanitarian Award. The award was established to recognize a WWEMA company staff member who works tirelessly and without rewards for charities and his or her community.
"Larry May is, without reservation, one of the finest and most generous persons I have ever known," said Dr. William P. Seel, senior pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Thomasville, Ga. "His unselfish giving of his time as well as his unflagging energy and mature wisdom are the driving forces behind many of the best humanitarian projects currently being carried out in our community,"
May serves as chairman of the Communities in Schools (CIS) program that works with the city and county school systems to keep at-risk children from dropping out or falling behind. In this capacity, he arranged to have a national motivational speaker present a series of workshops to develop leadership skills from a Christian perspective. He also convinced local businesses to become partners in the CIS Career Mentoring Intership program.
"This is a fine example of someone who gives of himself to the at-risk students served by CIS/TA, not volunteering with any ulterior motive other than he really cares about these kids," said James C. Vaughn, Jr., executive director of the Communities in Schools of the Thomas Area. "He works hard to help our kids to help themselves."
He also is the chairman and driving force behind the local Family Connections program that seeks to coordinate the work of helping agencies and to help needy individuals receive the full range of assistance they may need. May also serves on the boards of the Thomas County Public Library System and the Thomasville Boys and Girls Clubs. In addition, May is an officer and an adult Sunday School teacher at the First Presbyterian Church.
"Even this impressive listing of humanitarian activities does not do full justice to the man," Seel said. "His humanitarian spirit is seen not just in his committee work but also in the personal connections he makes and maintains each day."
May received his award from Water Quality Products publisher Ken Hughes, during the Annual Meeting of WWEMA on November 11 at the La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad, Calif. A check for $1,000 was donated to the Communities in Schools of the Thomas Area on May’s behalf as part of the award.
Applications are now being taken for next year’s award. All WWEMA member companies are invited to submit their nominees to Water Quality Products, Attn: Ken Hughes, 380 E. Northwest Hwy., Suite 200, Des Plaines, IL 60016. The winner will be announced at the 2001 WWEMA Annual meeting in Sandestin, Fla. For information on WWEMA membership, phone Dawn Kristof at 703-444-1777; e-mail [email protected].
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