Fibrelite Composites Ltd

Smithfield, US NC 27577


About Fibrelite Composites Ltd


Smithfield, US NC 27577
(919) 934 2786
(800) 421 3297

More Info on Fibrelite Composites Ltd

World-leading manufacturer of innovative FRP composite access covers Fibrelite is also renowned for its high-quality technical support service. Industry-standard on gas stations for over 30 years, Fibrelite covers are increasingly specified as the alternative to metal or concrete in new and retrofit work for all major industries, including water.

Products & Press Releases

Fibrelite PS Covers

Composite Access Covers

Dec. 7, 2015
FRP composite manhole and trench access covers are corrosion-resistant, durable and maintenance-free alternatives to traditional covers for water and wastewater infrastructure...