Racine Flow Meter Group

Racine, US 53406

More Info on Racine Flow Meter Group

Racine Flow Meter Group consists of six divisions of unique flow measurement technologies for many industries and applications. BLANCETT in-line turbine meters utilized in the oil & gas industry and harsh applications DYNASONICS clamp-on ultrasonic meters found in water/wastewater treatment, power generation, automotive and semiconductor HEDLAND/FLO-TECH variable area meters used as visual gauge in discrete manufacturing, cooling lines and test stands PRESO differential pressure meters include Venturi & Pitot tube, used in municipal water and HVAC such as chilled water RACINE VORTEX shedding meters used in clean liquid applications (water distribution, semiconductor and chemical processing

Products & Press Releases



The rugged PFM Tester Series now features an internal safety pressure relief disc, or “burst disc.” The series has been relied on to measure flow, pressure, temperature and horsepower...
March 11, 2011