Collection Systems

Reaching Full Potential

Aug. 25, 2014
2 min read

During a cooler-than-average summer thus far, I am happy to be saving energy and money by running the air conditioning less—this energy cost savings is easy to get used to. 

If you’re like me, this one area of energy savings gets you thinking about how else you can save on energy. And if you move water for a living, chances are efficiency is always on your mind anyway. There certainly is no better time to consider energy efficiency, as the Department of Energy currently is developing minimum efficiency standards for pumping systems. 

Pump maintenance is critical when it comes to meeting energy consumption goals, and ultimately for lowering lifetime costs and unlocking the full potential of your pumps. Proper upkeep of pumps, pump stations and systems calls for great preventive care and maintenance so that investments yield the highest return possible. Maintenance and monitoring provide a snapshot of a pump system’s performance, saving end users money and reducing environmental impact.

Need help maintaining and monitoring your system? Pump manufacturers are eager to be at your service. According to German engineering association VDMA, pump manufacturers are moving toward offering system expertise, in addition to the pumps themselves. There also are many resources out there to help you stay educated on the latest from the pumping industry. Associations like the Hydraulic Institute, the Submersible Wastewater Pump Assn. and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers—just to name a few—all are beneficial. They work to develop industry standards and provide tools for application, testing, installation, operation and maintenance. Therefore, getting involved is a surefire way not only to expand the depth and breadth of your industry knowledge, but also to discover how innovation is paving the way for the pumps of the future as emerging markets drive pump growth.

And, of course, this issue features four case studies covering projects that saved money and yielded a whole host of other benefits for their respective communities. Pumps are key to quality of life, so staying informed is critical. Despite this seemingly short summer vacation, let’s all go back to school and learn how we can optimize our pumping systems for the future.

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About the Author

Elisabeth Lisican

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