In Butler County, Ohio, Singer Valve solved three issues in one application. Through its representative, Kerr Marketing Agency, Singer Valve was introduced to the community, which purchases wholesale water from the cities of Hamilton, Ohio, and Cincinnati. Butler County provides drinking water to approximately 100,000 people.
The first concern occurred at the Symmes Road Pressure Reducing and Metering Facility: The facility’s two valves dealt with extreme pressure drops from 120 psi (8.2 bar) to 15 psi (1 bar), which resulted in severe cavitation damage and extreme noise. The second issue was providing the county with the ability to sequence the two valves. The third challenge was addressing the county’s inability to accurately control levels in two remote storage tanks that the main transmission line supplied. The operational protocol was further complicated because the remote tanks are located at different overflow elevations and have different design capacities. Also, both booster pump stations that draw from these tanks are equipped with constant-speed horizontal centrifugal pumps that range from 3,000 to 4,500 gpm (189 to 284 liters per second), which resulted in sudden hydraulic gradient and outlet pressure fluctuations. These fluctuations created operational challenges at the water treatment facility and in the distribution system.
How did Singer Valve solve each of the issues to Butler County’s satisfaction? With Singer’s dual-solenoid electronic valve with anti-cavitation trim and multi-process control panel. The original valves that suffered from cavitation damage were standard valves that predated Singer’s anti-cavitation design.
“We read case studies about how Singer’s anti-cavitation trim reduces damage and noise and handles a high pressure drop,” said Bo Copeland, an engineer who worked with Butler County’s department of environmental services during the project.
One valve was replaced with a new 16-in. (400-mm) Singer dual-solenoid electronic valve with the anti-cavitation trim. Due to competitive bidding requirements The second 16-in. (400-mm) valve was replaced by another manufacturer.
A Singer multi-process control panel—programmed with a custom algorithm—sequences the two 16-in. (400-mm) valves and controls water levels in the remote storage tanks. It interfaces easily with Butler County’s SCADA.
“The ability to incorporate a customized control system has proven to be invaluable for this application,” said Tom Rhoades, Butler County’s chief water operator.
“The complexity of this project was unusual,” said Eugene Bahia, Singer Valve’s instrumentation specialist, who wrote the algorithm. “We worked closely with Butler County to meet all the requirements of this application.”