CH2M Hill President Joins Water For People Leadership Council
Source CH2M Hill
Water For People, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to providing access to improved water and sanitation systems and services in developing countries, hosted its first annual Leadership Council on Dec. 2 and 3, 2014. Greg McIntyre, CH2M Hill global water market president and member of the new Leadership Council, joined Water For People CEO Ned Breslin, Board Chair Patrick McCann, and other industry leaders for the two-day workshop to strategize around opportunities, as well as programmatic and operational challenges faced by Water For People in its quest to give more people access to safe water and sanitation resources.
“Our firm shares Water For People’s vision of a world where everyone has access to safe drinking water and sanitation. It is truly an honor for me to be included as a member of the Water For People Leadership Council,” McIntyre said. “As industry leaders in the water sector, we have an opportunity to share our voice with the organization’s leadership team on ways they can make an even bigger impact on the world by addressing operational and programmatic challenges.”
CH2M Hill has been a Water For People corporate sponsor since 1991, when Ken Miller, a now-retired CH2M Hill executive, helped found the organization along with other professionals from the American Water Works Assn. In 2014, employees donated $250,276 to Water For People during the company’s annual Workplace Giving Campaign. This was the largest amount ever raised for Water For People through a single corporate employee campaign and helped bring the firm’s total contributions raised, since the program’s inception in 2003, to more than $1.5 million.
Source: CH2M Hill