Organizers of the 2010 World Water Week event in Stockholm, Sweden, Sept. 5 to 11, 2010, called for workshop abstracts and poster presentations from organizations to convene a seminar or side event in 2010. The deadline for abstract submittal is Feb. 5, 2010.
Abstracts are welcome on these specific workshop themes: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Controls; Short-cutting Historical Pollution Trends; Water Quality for Human Health; Improved Water Use Efficiency Through Recycling and Reuse; Management of Groundwater Abstraction and Pollution; Minimizing Land Use-Based Pollution Resilience; Uncertainty and Tipping Points; and Origins, Pathways and Accumulation of Pollutants--An Urban Perspective.
Workshops are integral components of the World Water Week’s capacity-building agenda. Depending upon the composition and issues brought up in the abstracts, the format of the workshops may differ. Some are organized in the traditional lecture format, while others may consist of mini-panels, or a combination of both. In either case, a critical component of the workshops is the discussion between presenters and their audience.
The posters will be displayed during specially arranged poster sessions, where the author(s) will each be given an opportunity to highlight the key points of their posters, respond to queries and interact with fellow participants. In addition, a jury from the Scientific Programme Committee will select a “Best Poster.” The winner will be presented during the closing session on Friday and will receive a diploma as well as complimentary registration plus travel and accommodation for one person at the following year’s World Water Week.
All paper and poster abstracts selected by the Scientific Programme Committee will be included in an abstract volume to be available on site in Stockholm and published online. In addition, workshop programs will be published in the “Second Announcement” and “Programme Summaries” of each workshop and will also be published on the World Water Week website.
Authors of papers and posters are expected to participate during the entire workshop. Abstracts can only be submitted via the online form found at
Source: Stockholm International Water Institute