The Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) has initiated a program to provide guidelines for professionals in the water industry to introduce youths to the value of water as a precious natural resource. The program also introduces the water industry as a viable option for future employment.
The Illinois Section has developed guidelines to assist local water utilities, engineering firms, and product developers/salespeople to connect with students at all levels, from grade school to community college.
The guidelines assist professionals in developing an educational outreach program that is appropriate for each area. They also provide detailed instructions on how the youth outreach program can be developed to meet specific criteria of the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, Junior Girl Scouts and Girl Scouts in the areas of natural resources, conservation and environmental science.
ISAWWA is currently putting together a recognition and awards program to acknowledge the efforts of those utilities and firms that develop successful youth outreach programs. Completing the award application qualifies the applicant for consideration for recognition awards and prizes, and can also provide valuable suggestions that will help other utilities and companies initiate or improve on their own youth education outreach program.
Please visit for information, including the specific guidelines that have been developed for each academic level.
Source: ISAWWA