Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp

Hillside, New Jersey 07205


About Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp


201 Sweetland Avenue
Hillside, New Jersey 07205

More Info on Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp

As the pioneer in the design, manufacture, and application of thermoplastic pumps Vanton Pump & Equipment Corp offers a wide selection of chemically inert vertical and horizontal pumps engineered to eliminate all fluid-to-metal contact making them ideal for handling corrosive, abrasive, hazardous, toxic, or ultrapure fluids.

Products & Press Releases


SGK Thermoplastic Pumps

Sept. 30, 2022
The SGK pump has a large diameter, cantilevered, stainless-steel shaft design eliminating the need for immersed line shaft bearings, and permits dependable operation under dry...
Z-0373 PumpTankCart_1_HI
Utility Management


April 3, 2018
A new non-metallic, mobile pump/tank cart transfers wastewater and caustic/acidic chemicals with no corrosion, and ultrapure fluids with no contamination. All fluid contact surfaces...

Articles & News

TL-131_man and tanks
Collection Systems

Disposal System Avoids Soil & Groundwater Contamination

Dec. 15, 2014
A chemical processing company has an onsite chemical laboratory that handles fluids such as acids, bases, standard oxidizing and reducing chemicals, and miscellaneous organic ...