WWD Weekly eNews - Oct 30th, 2023
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October 30, 2023
Blowers for wastewater treatment and aeration are a critical part of the process at treatment plants. This 5 question survey will give us information on your attitudes toward blowers in the market and current challenges you face.
Clean air regulations, sustainability goals for decarbonization and community initiatives drive utility executives and leaders toward electric vehicles for the future of their utility fleets.
WEF Operations Challenge Chair Jeff Sober makes the case for why the Operations Challenge is the most important tool for workforce development in the water industry.

In this eBook, learn how using a digital twin facilitates a scalable, flexible digital transformation strategy to help companies in the water sector reap the full benefits and future-proof their operations without piling on too much strain. 

An aggregation of news, products, and videos from the show floor at WEFTEC 23 in Chicago, Illinois.
Amanda Kieffer from Operators Unlimited demystifies what could be upstream from your treatment plant with these best practices.

Industrial innovation is a powerful force not only in business but in the evolution of our cities and the protection of natural habitats and precious resources. Learn how you can leverage digital tools to drive smart, sustainable operations.

York Sewer District is working with SL Environmental Law Group in a lawsui PFAS manufacturers after finding PFAS in wastewater effluent and biosolids.
Grant and loan programs through the U.S. Department of Agriculture will help rural areas to develop water, wastewater and electric infrastructure.
The U.S. EPA announced that the Town of Coulee’s wastewater treatment plant failed to supply key information to EPA or apply for a new permit on time.
The Second City Crew finished second in its division overall, and captured second place honors in the Process Control and Collections events in the annual Operations Challenge.

Read this expert guide to identify the best configuration in getting the best possible performance from your blower system.